Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is Energy?

What is energy? What’s the big deal about energy? Are there different types of energy? Is there such a thing as clean and abundant energy? Energy is something that lets us move and work. This vital force powers businesses, manufacturing, and transports goods and services to people all over the world. The supply and demand of energy plays an increasingly vital role in our national security and our nation’s economic standing. An interesting fact is, the United States alone spends over 500 billion dollars annually on energy. According the United States Department of Energy’s website, “As America’s need for energy grows, the Department of Energy is meeting the challenge by establishing clean fuel initatives to make the most of traditional fossil fuels while investing in cutting research to develop sustainable sources.” Also DOE (Department of Energy) thinks that fusion, which isn't working yet and employing hydrogen(similar to electricity) would significantly reduce our imported oil dependence. Also by taking advantage of wind, hydro, and geothermal energy, we would be able to create more clean and abundant energy.
U.S. Department of Energy.(2010). Energy Sources. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Denali, your are diong a great job, and you are always ahead in Your class work, keep it up.
